The Roman Society

Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies

Panel of Lecturers for Classical Association joint meetings

The Roman Society's Panel of Lecturers for joint meetings with local branches of the Classical association outside London is given below. Branch secretaries should contact lecturers direct and let us know by 31 July - in writing or by e-mail - whom they are inviting, together with details of the place, date and time of the meeting.

If the lecture is included in the Society's Programme of Meetings, half the lecturer's second-class travel expenses will be paid by the Society. This does not mean that only those on the Panel may be invited to address joint meetings.

Comments on the list are always welcomed. Please let us know of any subjects in demand but not on the list, or of good lectures that could be included.

Some lecturers have given a general subject or subjects, instead of a specific title, since they prefer to discuss the exact topic with the local body concerned. Subjects marked with an asterisk are suitable or can be adapted for sixth-formers, and the lecturers can also speak on GCSE and AL topics.

The next Panel list will be available later in the year.

The Roman Society
Senate House
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU

Telephone: 020 7862 8727


The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies (The Roman Society) is a registered charity in the UK.

Charity Registration Number: 210644
Company Registration Number: 114442